Patients on long-term medication who have been approved for repeat prescriptions have a number of options open to them when it comes to re-ordering:
- Online – via the link at the top of this page if you are registered:
- Not registered? Please read: In order to use this service you need to get a Username and Password from the practice. You will also need to provide ID Please call into reception and speak to the receptionist.
- Once you have registered it takes approximately 2 hours before you can use the service.
- Drop off – put your repeat slip in the box provided in front of the dispensary/reception or use the post box outside the front door.
- By Post – send it to us with a stamped addressed envelope if you want us to post it back to you.
- By Phone – call 01526 869806. If we don’t answer the phone, please leave a message. Please speak slowly and clearly when ordering by giving your name and address, or date of birth, followed by the name of your tablets. If you can’t say the name, can you please spell it out so the dispensers won’t make a mistake and give you the wrong drugs.
PLEASE NOTE: You can only order your own medication online, not medication for another person e.g. your wife or husband. If you try to request medication online for another person, you will be contacted by the practice to inform you that this is not possible. This is so that the correct medication is ordered and the possibility of an error is reduced.
Please allow THREE FULL working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.
Note: Any prescriptions received AFTER 16:30 will be processed the NEXT working day.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.
Controlled Drug Information
We DO NOT keep a supply of Controlled Drugs in stock, so please order them at least 3 working days before you need to collect them.
- Upon collection, you the patient or your representative MUST bring with you identification, preferably Photo ID (such as a driving licence).
- You have to fill out the back of the prescription and sign when you collect regardless of your age, payment or exemption.
- As these drugs are classed as controlled, we have to keep a detailed account of who collects the prescription and the quantity we hand out.
- If you lose your medication you MUST inform the police immediately as well as contacting us.
- Likewise, if you have controlled drugs that you no longer require, you can return them to us for destruction.
- We have to record ALL controlled drugs going in or out of our dispensary (even your returned drugs).
Please be patient with us whilst we are sorting your prescription, it is not just a case of handing them over; we have to follow the LAW and RECORD everything.