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Billinghay Medical Practice is restarting Long-term Condition (LTC) reviews at the Practice.
However, due to the Coronavirus outbreak and social distancing measures, all initial reviews will be carried out by telephone and/or online (SystmOnline) wherever possible (we will advise you if an appointment at the surgery is required).
If you have regular medication, please look out for a prescription message and attached letter asking you to speak with Reception to make a telephone appointment with the most appropriate member(s) of staff.
In advance of the telephone review we would like you to complete the online (SystmOnline) questionnaire(s) relevant to your medical condition. If you do not have an online account (SystmOnline) but do have Internet access, please speak with Reception to get enabled.
To access the Questionnaires, logon to SystmOnline (SystmOnline) and select Questionnaires. Choose the relevant ones i.e. Health & Lifestyle, Asthma Review, COPD Review, Diabetes Review. Once completed, click ‘Submit’ to send to us.
The clinician will use this information during your review(s), saving valuable time.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.