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Healthwatch Lincolnshire is pleased to confirm the positive news that with the opening of more vaccination sites this week, it will mean there are 15 local sites available in Lincolnshire for residents to access their Covid-19 vaccination.
The public will be asked to attend one of the vaccination centres listed (please see attached), these most importantly have been set up to comply with health and safety requirements including social distancing. It is worth noting that unfortunately at this stage not all 85 GP surgeries in Lincolnshire are able to offer the vaccination at their surgery.
Healthwatch is urging residents not to telephone their GP Surgery for information about when they are likely to be invited to receive their vaccination. “We understand that many people are keen to get vaccinated but please don’t call your GP surgery, all this is doing is blocking the phone lines of already stretched services” said Dean Odell, Healthwatch Contract Co-ordinator. Dean went on to say, “Please don’t worry, everyone will be offered a vaccination and when it is your turn you will definitely be contacted and given a date, time and venue where to go”. Also, we recommend that you don’t just turn up at one of the vaccination centres without receiving your booking confirmation, if you do you will be turned away.
We are also aware that one of the larger vaccination sites still to be announced will be in Boston, this should be up and running within the next couple of weeks.
If you have any further queries or concerns please contact:
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
The service can be contacted at; Tel: 0300 123 9553
Calls via Text relay are welcome
The service is open 0900 to 1700 Monday to Friday (Except Bank Holidays).
Latest update on Covid-19 vaccine sites in Lincolnshire – Lincolnshire CCG