FLU Vaccination for patients aged 50-64
Posted on November 21st, 2020
The Government has just announced that the new cohort of patients aged 50 – 64 year old will be vaccinated with the flu vaccine from the 1 December onwards (subject to availability of vaccine supply).

Unfortunately, we have not received anything official from NHS England about this cohort of patients including how we can obtain the necessary vaccines from central supplies.
Until we know more, we are not in a position to give an update on when we can book you in for the vaccination.
Therefore, please do not contact the surgery to book an appointment at this time. When we have more information, we will let you know via Facebook, our website, SMS and/or letter.
For those in the other eligible cohorts i.e. over 65, 18-64 year olds ‘at risk’ and children aged 2-3, please contact the surgery for an appointment if you have not already been vaccinated.
We thank you all for your patience and understanding at this time.